Taras Romaniuk
Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor of Deputy Head of the Department of International Scientific Cooperation |
2001 – Vasyl Stefanyk Prycarpathian National University/Department of Law/ Jurisprudence
2008 – Kyiv Business School MBA / concentration “Marketing” Diploma MBA plt “National advantage”
2008 – Kyiv Institute of Investment Management / Economics / manager of organizations
2009 – Ph.D in Economics. Thesis: External labour migration as means to increasing the life standard of population of region.
Nov 2013 The “Open World Program”, The Library of Congress of United States of America. Participant of subroutine «Education», full-time internship.
- Ukraine und der europaische Migrationsraum: Probleme der Teilnahme und der Regulierung printing Reihe: “Europaische Integration. Grundfragen der Theorie und Politik “.Berlin 2,010 Nr. 24/2010 C. 87-94
- External labor migration as a form of employment of Ukrainian citizens in foreign labor markets and its impact on macroeconomic processes of the country and the region – donor workforce Formation of a market economy: Coll. Science. works – Spec. no. Work in the XXI Century: new trends, the social dimension, innovative development: Vol.2. – Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University, 2012.- P. 319-328
- Remittances of Ukrainian labor migrants from European countries in the context of transformation of methodological principles of forming the articles of balance payment and adaptation to IMF requirements. Globale und länderspezifische sozio-ökonomische Effekte.Berlin 2,012 Nr. 37/2012 -C. 182-192. – professional Edition.
- Foreign labor migration from Ukraine in response to the low standards of living. Print Proceedings of the seminars. “City NV», 2012. – P. 24-28
- Rent from big business as a form of social dialogue in modern Ukraine. Collection of abstracts all-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference “Socio-economic development and quality of life of the region. Ivano-Frankivsk 2013. – P. 252-255
Research Interests: Social Economics; Labour Economics; Museum Management; The Economics of Migration; Remittances of labor migrants; Stock market
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
76010, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, Shevchenko str., 57.
8-th floor, 814
Email: taras.romaniuk@pnu.edu.ua
Phone: +380993242939