Shelenko Diana Ivanіvna

Shelenko Diana Ivanіvna,

Doctor of Economic, Associate Professor

GeneralBasic publicationsActivityContacts

1 September 1997 – September 2002 – accounting economist, centralized accounting service for preschool institutions;

September 2002. – August 2006 – accountant, the Institute of Agrarian Economics and Social Policy, Ukraine Academy of Agrarian Sciences;

September 2006 – February 2010 – teaching assistant, the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

February 2010 – December present – associate professor, the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

January 2020 – present – associate professor, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Research and teaching activities awarded the title of “Young Scientist of the Year” in 2008. She is an official opponent of PhD theses.

Opponent of the one-time specialized academic council for the defense of the dissertation of Maksym Olegovich Kobylyansky on the topic “Regulatory mechanisms of the development of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sphere” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 07 “Management and administration” in the specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship and trade” . On June 22, 2023, the National Center of the IAE of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv.

  1. International research internship at the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska Lublin, Poland. 02/24/2023-06/30/2023 (6.0 credits – 180 hours).
  2. International research internship on the topic “The art of public speaking”, which took place from 03/20/2023 to 03/22/2023, organized by Wratislavince Collegium in the city of Wroclaw, Republic of Poland, totaling 16 hours. (NR: SZK/19B/2023/10 dated March 22, 2023)
  3. International research internship at the REGINNA 4.0 First Summer School “Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation” from 07/03/2023 to 07/14/2023, which took place at the University of Nova Gorica. A total of 65 hours.
  4. Internship under the English for Career Development Self-Paced MOOC 2023 program. August 2023.
  1. Participation in the Program stipendialny Kirkland Research Scholarship Program at the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska Lublin, Poland. 24.02.2023-30.06.2023 r.
  2. Cooperation within the grant project “Local allies of global solidarity”, No. 17/EDU/2023 Poland Humanitarian Action, Warsaw, Poland.. 05/09/2023 – 09/30/2023
  3. Cooperation within the grant project Grantowa Umowę nr C55/2023/GA/18 od 4 April Grant Agreement No. C55/2023/GA/18 from April 4, 2023, Leaders of Change Foundation, represented by Agata Wierzbowska, Miazga, President of the Management Board of the Foundation, and Urszula Sobiecka. Warsaw, Poland.


Higher education. 1997 – graduated from Tlumach College of Agriculture with the qualification of a junior specialist in Accounting and Auditing.

2003 – graduated from he Department of Economics, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University with the qualification of a specialist in Accounting and Auditing.


The Young Researcher of the Year Award 2008.

Scientific degree: 2006 – a Candidate’s Degree of Economics conferred by the National Scientific Research Centre at the Institute of Agrarian Economics for the dissertation “Post-Reform Development of Agricultural Enterprises in Ivano-Frankivsk Region”.

Scientific degree: 2020 – a Doctor’s Degree of Economics Science conferred by the, Lviv Agrarian National University for the dissertation “Development of organizational and legal forms of agricultural enterprises in conditions of versatility: theory, methodology, practiceˮ

Scientific titles: Associate professor, the Department of Accounting and Auditing, conferred in 2011.

Editorial Board

1. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Economics). Scientific journal. Official site of the journal:

2. The actual problems of regional economy development. Scientific journal. Official site of the journal:

3. Agrarna ekonomika. Scientific journal. Official site of the journal:

  1. Balaniuk I., Kozak I., Shelenko D., Balaniuk S., Kozak-Balaniuk I. Forecasting of gross agricultural output of agrarian enterprises of Ukraine: case study with STELLA software. Economic Studies (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania), 2019. 28 (5), p. 148–163. SCOPUS.
  2. Balaniuk I., Kozak I., Balaniuk S., Kozak-Balaniuk I., Sas L., Shelenko D. The role of united territorial communities in the functioning of agricultural enterprises. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2021. Vol. 43. No. 1: 52-66. Article DOI: eISSN 2345-0355. (Web of Science, Core Collection).
  3. Humeniuk М., Shelenko D., Nemish D., Balaniuk I. (2021). Improving the efficiency of agricultural entrepreneurship by processing rapeseed to biodiesel. Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development”, Vol. 21(3). рр. 431–438. (Web of Science).
  4. Balaniuk, I. F., Shelenko, D. I., Biloshkurskyi, M. V., Povorozniuk, I. M., Slatvinska, L. A. (2020). Аn integrated approach to the enterprises’ business efficiency assessment. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 42(4), 486–496. (Web of Science, Core Collection).
  5. Kozak I., Balaniuk I., Shelenko D., Balaniuk S., Kozak H. Traditional village system – case study from the Krempna Commune (Poland). Ekológia (Bratislava). 2019. Vol. 38, No. 1. Р. 87–100. DOI:10.2478/eko-2019-0007. SCOPUS.
  6. 6. Balaniuk, I. F., Shelenko, D. I., Biloshkurskyi, M. V., Povorozniuk, I. M., & Slatvinska, L. A. (2020). Аn integrated approach to the enterprises’ business efficiency assessment. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 42(4), 486–496. (Web of Science, Core Collection).
  7. Yakubiv V.M., Shelenko D.I., Sas L.S. Fixed assets accounting: national and international aspects. Actual problems of Economics. Scientific economic journal. № 11(173), 2015. pp. 375-358. SCOPUS.
  8. Yemets O., Shelenko D., Balaniuk I. Стратегічні реформи децентралізації в територіальних громадах Україні. Investment environment for the development of amalgamated territorial communities. Economic Development: Global Trends and National Peculiarities. Collective monograph. Poland: “Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. Р. 348-362. DOI: 10.30525/978-9934-588-61-7-24
  9. Matsola S., Shelenko D., Matsola M. The role of information support in the management of foreign economic activities of enterprises (Роль інформаційного забезпечення в управлінні зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю підприємств). Науковий журнал «Причорноморські економічні студії». Вип. 57, 2020. С. 72–75.
  10. 10. Shelenko D., Balaniuk I., Sas L., Matkovskyi P., Kozak-Balaniuk I. Mechanism of transformation of agricultural enterprises in terms of innovative development. «Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University». Vol. 7, 2020. р. 115-127
  11. Sas L., Shelenko D., Matkovsky P., Balaniuk I. Innowacyjne technologie modernizacji produkcji w przedsiębiorstwach rolnych w Ukrainie. International independent scientific journal. 2019. № 7. Р. 7–11.
  12. Shelenko D., Sas L., Matkovskyi P., Balaniuk I. Іmproving economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural enterprises and farming economies of Ukraine. Sciences of Europen (Praha, Czech Republic) 2019. Vol. 2, No. 43. Р. 13–20.
  13. Balaniuk, I.F., Kozak, I.I., & Shelenko, D.I. (2019). Formuvannia vnutrishnoho ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu rozvytku orhanizatsiino-pravovykh form silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv [Formation of internal economic mechanism for development of organizational and legal forms of agricultural enterprises]. Ekonomika APK, 5, pp. 59-67 [In Ukrainian].
  14. Shelenko, D. I. (2019) Organizational and legal forms of agricultural enterprises in the economic dimension, Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 476 s.
  15. Shelenko D. The development of organizational and legal forms of agricultural enterprises in united territorial communities. Аграрна економіка. 2018. № 11. Т. (3–4). С. 41–47. DOI: 10.32317/2221-1055.201905059.
  16. Sas, L., Balanyuk, I., Shelenko, D., Vasylyuk, M., Matkovsky, P., & Hnatyshyn, L. (2023). International standards of financial reporting in the accounting system of Ukraine. International financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the accounting system of Ukraine. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 1(48), 78–90. (Web of Science, Scopus).
  17. Balaniuk I., Shelenko D., Shpykuliak O., Sas L., Cherneviy Y., Diuk A. Determinants of performance indicators of agricultural enterprises. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2023. Vol. 45. No. 1: 29-41. Article DOI: (Web of Science).
  18. Shelenko D.I., Duke A.A., Matsola M.M. State regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship in conditions of systemic security challenges. Economy and society. No. 56. 2023. DOI: 67
  19. Balanyuk I.F., Shelenko D.I., Liba N.S., Pryimak H.M. Scientific studies of consumer behavior during product promotion under a marketing project and economic control over business management. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies”. “Economy” series. 2023. Issue No. 11(25). P. 343-353. DOI URL:
  20. Humenyuk M.M., Shpykulіyak O.H., Nemish D.V., Shelenko D.I. Institutionalization of state support for the development of small agrarian entrepreneurship under martial law: regional aspect. Herald of Agrarian Science. 2023. No. 11. P. 67-76.
  21. Shpykuliyak O., Shelenko D., Balanyuk I. Management of economic potential in the implementation of the “green” course of development of rural areas of the region. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies”. “Economy” series. Vol. 12(26). 2023. P. 445–456. DOI
  22. Shelenko D.I., Shpykuilyak O.H., Balanyuk I.F. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the economic potential of rural areas of the region: aspects of sustainable development. Digital economy and economic security. Vol. 8(08). 2023. P. 12-16. DOI: URL:
  23. Sas L.S., Shelenko D.I., Levandivskyi O.T., Slobodian N.V. Personnel management in the formation of resource potential of agricultural enterprises: theoretical aspect. International scientific journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences”. 2023. No. 11.

Collective monographs

  1. Entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sphere of economy: monograph / [M.Y. Malik, Yu.O. Lupenko, O.H. Shpykulіyak, ….. D.I. Shelenko and others]; under the editorship M.Y. Malika. Kyiv: NNC “IAE”, 2023. 208 p. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10026710 ISBN 978-966-669-575-1
  2. Shelenko D.I. Organizational and legal forms of management in the institutional mechanism of state regulation of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship. Development and regulation of entrepreneurial activity of economic formations in the countryside: theoretical and methodological aspect: collective monograph. under the editorship M. Malika. Kyiv: NNC “IAE”, 2023. 192 p. P. 33-72. ISBN 978-966-669-584-3


  1. Accounting: theory and practice. education manual / V.Ya. Basarab, I.F. Balanyuk, D.I. Shelenko, L.S. Sas, O.O. Hryhoriv Ivano-Frankivsk: Symphony forte, 2023. 286 c.

Reviewing monographs, theses

  1. Review of the monograph: Development of agricultural cooperation in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction of the agrarian economy: monograph / [M. Y. Malik, Yu. O. Lupenko, O. G. Shpykulyak, etc.]; edited by M.Y. Malik. Kyiv: NNC “IAE”, 2023. 194 p. ISBN 978-966-669-569-0
  2. Review of the monograph: Formation and functioning of integrated structures in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development of rural areas / [Yu. O. Lupenko, O.H. Shpykulyak, M. Y. Malik, etc.]; by. ed. O.H. Shpykulyaka Kyiv: NNC “IAE”, 2022. 52 p.
  3. Review of articles in the International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM). IGI Global (Hershey, US). OTHER-ID: 47426994-8c56-41df-90fa-bbff329bdecf 701 E CHOCOLATE AVE, STE 200, HERSHEY, USA, PA, 17033-1240 ISSN / eISSN: 1938-0232 / 1938-0240 Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index

The author of 210 scientific works of a scientific and educational and methodological nature, (4 of them in scientific journals included in the Scopus scientometric database (Web of Science, Core Collection – 11); including: 11 monographs (8 co-authored) 5 training manuals.

She is a member of the Union of Accountants in Precarpathian.

Courses are taught: Accounting and Taxation, Entrepreneurship and Business Culture, Fundamentals of Business, Taxation of Business Entities, Internal Control, Control System.

Research interests: accounting and taxation in business trade and exchange structures, features of e-commerce, control problems in business structures, strategic planning of the subject of economic relations, development of local united territorial communities.

Member of the accountant’s union of Precarpathia.

Professor has practical experience in accounting and a national research center (as researcher).

Scopus Author

ORCID 0000-0002-9214-7258.

Google Academia

Web of Science ResearcherID AAE-8324-2021

Research Gate

Doctor of  Economic, Associate Professor,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

76010, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, Shevchenko str., 57.


Phone: +380982409475