Matsola Mykhailo


Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD,

Associate Professor of the Chair of Theoretical and Applied Economy

Deputy of the Head of Chair for academic work

Personal informationActivityContacts

In 2004 Mykhailo Matsola graduated from the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University with honors majoring in “Finance”. In the same year Mykhailo Matsola entered postgraduate studies on specialty 08.09.01 – demography, labor economics, social economics and politics. Mykhailo is working in the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University since 2004. He is author of over 30 scientific and methodological papers. In 2010 he defended PhD thesis on the theme “Expansion of possibilities of human development of rural population of Carpathians region”.


Basis of Market Economy. Entrepreneurship, Economics of trade, State regulation of Economy

Research interests:

Development of the region,  State regulation of the economy, Development of entrepreneurship in the region

Faculty of Economics,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Department of Theoretical and

Applied Economics

8-st floor, Room 814,

 Shevchenko str., 82





Теl. +380342752391