Tsizhma Yurii


 Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor

Department of entrepreneurship, trade and applied economics

Guarantor of the educational program

“Entrepreneurship and Trade”

OR Master

GeneralBasic publicationsActivityContacts

 He graduated with honors from the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University in 2004, majoring in “Accounting and Auditing” (ВА № 25778116). In the same year he entered graduate school by specialty 08.09.01 – demography, labor economics, social economics and politics. In 2014 he defended his thesis on “Improving the structure of employment under conditions of the demographic crisis (taking Ivano-Frankivsk region as an example)” for that awarded the Ph.D. in Economics, specialty 08.00.07 – demography, labor economics, social economics and politics (ДК № 021454). In 2017, he graduated with honors from the Ternopil National University of Economics, majoring in “Law” and qualified as a specialist in law (diploma with honors C17 No. 046357). In 2020 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of theoretical and applied economics (AД 005563). Works in university since 2005 – Assistant, in 2010 – Lecturer, from 2014 – Associate Professor of theoretical and applied economics.

  1. Matsola M.M., Shelenko D.I., Tsizhma Yu.I. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE: CURRENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES/«Наукові інновації та передові технології»// Серія «Управління та адміністрування» : журнал. 2023. No 14(28) 2023. С. 16-29.
  2. Shevchuk, I., Droniak, M., Pylypchuk, V., Kuzenko, R., Tsizhma, Y. Postoperative peritonitis diagnosis features in abdominal sepsis | Características diagnósticas de la peritonitis postoperatoria en la sepsis abdominal. Gaceta Medica de Caracas, 2023, 131(2), pp. 336-344.
  3. S. Arefiev, I. Shevchenko, U. Savkiv, D. Hovsieiev, Y. Tsizhma. Management of the global competitiveness of companies in the field of electronic commerce in the conditions of digitalization. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 28th Febr. 2023. Vol.101. No 4. pp. 1527 – 1537 URL: http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol101No4/31Vol101No4.pdf
  4. Levchenko, Y., Tsizhma, Y., Slobodian, N., Nehoda O. (2022). Organization and planning of the enterprises of the future: legal status. Futurity Economics&Law, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.57125/FEL.2022.12.25.03
  5. Halushchak I., Novosad Z., Tsizhma Y.Zagorodnyuk A. Logistic map on the ring of multisets and its application in economic models. Mathematics and Statistics. Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2020, P. 424-429.(http://www.hrpub.org/download/20200630/MS8-13416065.pdf) (SCOPUS)
  6. Tsizhma Yuriy. Transformation of the use of the Labour Potential of Ukraine: Trends and Prospects / Yuriy Tsizhma, Oksana Tsizhma // Analysen und Ansichten zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung in der Ukraine. Eine Sicht ukrainischer Forscher zu Theorie und Praxis. – Berlin : Forschungsinstitut der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik, 2013. – S. 257–267.


Economics of social and labor relations. Commodity science. Trade activity.
Trade organization. Information systems and technologies in business.
E-commerce. Rehabilitation of the enterprise.
Expert evaluation of goods and services

     Research interests:

Socio-economic development of regions,

regional economic systems, management of regional development,

problems of regional labor market and employment of the population.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

76010, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk,  vul. Shevchenka, 57.

8-st floor, Room 814,

Email: yurii.tsizhma@pnu.edu.ua

Phone: +380660764931